Course curriculum

  • 1

    An Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act

    • Thank you for booking

    • Welcome to the Course

    • What this training session covers

    • Your Why

    • An Introduction to MCA and Capacity

    • Multiple Disadvantages.pdf

    • Risk Taking

    • Positive Risk Taking

    • Consent

    • End of Chapter 1 Quiz

  • 2

    The 5 Principles of the Mental Capacity Act

    • The 5 Principles of MCA

    • The 5 Principles

    • Practical Application of the 5 Principles

  • 3

    Assessing Capacity

    • Learnings from Serious Adult Reviews

    • Assessing Capacity

    • Role of Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)

    • Where There Is Lack Of Capacity

    • Best Interest Process

    • Best Interest Decision Making- Case Example

    • Best Interest Decision-Activity

    • End of Chapter 3 Quiz

  • 4


    • DoLS

    • End of Chapter 4 Quiz

  • 5


    • MCA Summary

    • Where to Look

    • Merton Safeguarding Adults Board

  • 6

    Emotional Resilience

    • Emotional Resilience

    • Taye Training Podcasts

  • 7

    Next Steps

    • Level Two

    • Level Three

    • Did you know...